Making Masterpieces from Mushrooms: Mushroom Leather: Amadou

Instructor: Britt from Flannel Roots Farm
Thurs., Nov. 16 | 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Phipps Garden Center in Mellon Park 
$30 members | $35 nonmembers | $40 supply fee

Mushrooms are amazing replacements of everyday things including the all time classic material leather! Let’s learn about the specific mushroom known as the Amadou that has been used for centuries for well known leather applications, most famously in haberdashery. We will go over some basic leather crafting skills and create one of a kind mushroom “leather” keychains/small crafts as take home from this workshop.

Guests will take home a workshop crafted keychain made of Amadou leather. 


Thursday November 16
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Making Masterpieces from Mushrooms: Mushroom Leather: Amadou
Thursday November 16

6:30 PM
8:00 PM